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A member registered May 31, 2019

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> I think it's the fact that the missiles just home in on you endlessly and go slightly faster than your ship.

the missiles have a finite duration
and you you make them loop once then they are more or less ignorable i found. mostly a threat coupled with any of the 3 heavy ship types

and the super heavy ships seaming to insta kill on contact

the main rare mod that felt underwhelming was recklessness (-5% hp and +10% damage) as a rare when there is armour piercing ammo (10% cannon damage) sure maybe recklessness is both turret and cannon damage but it still feels... not that worth it

and the only way i know of to recover hp is to with living steel (hitting 20% hp regens you to 50%)
maybe recycling should be a hp recovery not shield recovery but at lower numbers than 5% per stack of the upgrade

honestly i found that the rare (silver upgrades were often not really worth taking)
commons and legendaries were mostly decent though

and i might update my score screenshot later